
Lawn Aeration

Our Lawn Aeration service helps improve the health and appearance of your lawn by removing cores of soil from the turf. This allows for better air, water, and nutrient penetration which in turn promotes a thicker healthier lawn.
If you're like most homeowners, you probably don't think about your lawn's aeration needs until after your grass is brown and crunchy. That's because aeration is a critical part of good lawn care, but it's also one of the most neglected.

Here are three reasons to book a lawn aeration service as soon as possible:

1. Aeration helps your lawn breathe.

One of the main benefits of aerating your lawn is that it helps improve air circulation and drainage. This is important because it allows water, fertilizer, and oxygen to reach the roots of your grass, which helps keep them healthy and green.

2. Aeration loosens up compacted soil.

If you live in an area with heavy traffic, your soil may become compacted over time, which can impede drainage and cause problems for your grass. Aerating your lawn can help loosen up that soil and make it more hospitable for plants to grow in.

3. Aeration can help control pests and diseases.

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